Formula 1: Brazil could be the pivotal race in the championship

With just four races left in what has been a thrilling 2021 season, the points that remain up for grabs are more important then ever. The return to the Brazilian Grand Prix could prove to be the pivotal moment in this season’s championship fight, as two new tracks follow suit. The question is, who will take advantage?

Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton have treated Formula 1 fans to a title fight that will be remembered for the rest of time, with the momentum swinging freely in the wind at each round. However, with four rounds remaining, Verstappen see’s himself 19 points ahead of his rival. With the potential of 29 points up for grabs at the next round.

Four rounds. Two of which being familiar in Brazil and Abu Dhabi, despite new modifications to the latter, and two new ones in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Here’s the thing, really it is only Brazil which has familiarity which makes it even more important. The modifications to Abu Dhabi will see the drivers lap around ten seconds faster then previous years, in an attempt to aid overtaking. What is usually considered as a Mercedes track was conquered by Verstappen at the final race of 2020 – making this years finale even more intriguing.

Qatar could fall in the hands of both Red Bull and Mercedes, with certain qualities of that circuit that favours either team. Saudi Arabia… well who knows about that one. In it’s current condition, Jeddah is showing little signs of actually being ready for their inaugural Formula 1 race. Bit of a mess that one, unsurprisingly.

And then Brazil. A circuit they will all know extremely well, and another track that has some altitude to it – albeit not Mexico City levels, along with medium to high speed sweeping corners throughout. Verstappen was also the victor when Formula 1 last visited, and a repeat of that could just be the biggest victory of his career.

Entering this weekend’s Brazilian round, Verstappen reigns supreme by 19 points over Hamilton. A win this weekend on Sunday, including a Hamilton fastest lap, could see him with a gap of 25 points with three to go. A favourable position indeed. Technically, the Dutchman would not have to win any of the other three rounds.

However, let’s not forget one thing. The ‘Sprint Race’ makes a return to Formula 1 in Brazil, making an extra three points available to the winner, two for second, and one for third. This can throw a spanner in the words, despite the small amount of points. If Verstappen makes it three ‘Sprint Race’ victories out of three, that extra points will go a long way considering the time we are at in the season.

Are we going to have an entertaining ‘Sprint Race’ this time round? We’ll see.

If Hamilton takes the full stash of points in the final rounds, Verstappen will have to ensure he finishes in second in the final races to secure the title, with maybe a need for fastest lap. Something he has been able to do at multiple times this season. This, mind you, will leave both drivers knowing that a win in the season finale round will clinch them the title.

But a victory this coming weekend means Verstappen will start to be able to see that drivers title, despite the fact that he would deny that. He will begin to see it, but will have to ignore it.

Whereas, on the other side, Hamilton has got some work to do if he wants to begin seeing that trophy. Of course, a win in Brazil will provide a silhouette of said title. Lose in Brazil, and it will become a mere shadow.

That is barring any disasters or catastrophes on any side. This is Formula 1, anything can happen.

That is if he takes the victory in Brazil. That’s the fun in this season, nobody knows. And that is also why this weekend’s round could be the most pivotal. A victory for Hamilton and suddenly that fight has turned. Whoever comes out on top in Brazil, goes into the unknown final three rounds with the momentum, and with the confidence.

It is also where the number two drivers can play a very pivotal role. Something that, come race day, Sergio Perez is now proving to be a more influential factor then Valtteri Bottas.

Both Red Bull and Mercedes have enjoyed success at Interlagos, despite Red Bull having just a sole victory there in this hybrid era. That sole win coming in 2019, whilst the events of 2018 continues to be their lost victory after leader Verstappen lost his lead after tangling with a backmarker.

The word it coming again, Brazil will be pivotal in other ways also. Away from the fight at the front, McLaren and Ferrari are currently in the midst of a ding dong for third, as are Alpine and AlphaTauri a bit further down the table. And, in similar vain to the leaders, the ones who leave Brazil on top have it all to lose.

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